Monday, July 30, 2012

Anyone Normal is Ugly

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
I loved this book.  From the very beginning to the very end I enjoyed the journey that we went on with Tally.  I loved how she introduced us to the uglies and the pretties.  Uglies starts with Tally completing a “trick” that no Ugly has ever completed before.  She went to a Pretties party.  She really went to find her long lost best friend Peris who not so long ago was ugly too.  Since he moved to New Pretty Town and became pretty himself, she has been lonely and just wanted to see him.   During this trick she meets Shay.  Shay isn’t satisfied with the status quo and is not excited about surgically becoming pretty like society has deemed necessary.  This starts the domino of Tally’s life when all she ever wanted was to become pretty and live her life the way she is supposed to.  The question becomes, what are they changing when their patients are under the knife?     

Ok, so now I’ve lost all of my readers in my intro paragraph.  Here’s the deal.  The book was very good.  As my readers know, I love young adult fiction and this was sci-fi –ish, which I love as well.  Therefore, with all of the times I saw other bloggers praising this book, I decided to read it and I’m glad I did.  Of course I got it from the library, but the next book in the series was unavailable and I bought Pretties, the second book in the series at Half Price Books (love that store!).  I plan on getting the rest of the series from the library and of course I will keep you posted on how they are going. 
My favorite character in the book is Tally.  I loved how she was such an incredible character that has all of these great attributes and she cannot see them for herself.  David comes into her life and shows her all of these great abilities that she has and how she can use them for the greater good and she can hardly believe it herself.  I enjoyed the relationship that developed between David and Tally.  He was sweet to her and got to know her even though she couldn’t understand why he would even care with her still being ugly.  Of course disarray takes place and they are separated from family and friends and their relationship grows stronger during this time.  When the crap hits the fan, will he want to stay with her?  I guess we won’t know until the next book.  Keep Reading my Friends!

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