The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Every November on a tiny island the water horses come out of
the sea and the island has a race. These
horses aren’t normal racing animals, they are monsters that eat meat and the
men of the island race and some riders die while one will be crowned
victor. This story is about a boy named
Sean Kendrick who has won the last four years and is coming back with his water
horse Corr and a girl named Puck Connolly a desperate girl that is trying to
keep her family together after her parents were dragged down into the sea by
these monsters she’s about to race.
I loved this book. I
am so glad I finally got it from the library because every book I have read of
Maggie Stiefvater, I have loved. Maggie
has a way with words that blows my mind.
She makes the normal seem inspirational.
She makes things smell that don’t have a smell and the characters taste
things that don’t have taste and it’s amazing.
She has a way with words that make a small observation seem huge and
life changing.
Sean, what a great character, I loved how quiet he
was and how unassuming he was. I loved
his relationship with Corr and I adored how his emotions grew stronger for Puck,
with each training day. He is a
fantastic character filled with grief and love and drive.
As the race finally starts on page 397 (of 472) my heart was
beating so fast. I’m sitting on the edge
of my seat. What’s going to happen? Who’s going to win and who’s going to
die? There was so much tension and
suspense these moments that I thought I would have to take a break, but
couldn’t step away from the action on the beach. The race was only 2 miles long on a beach, it
was the most nail biting 10 pages I’ve read in a long time. I was so worried that Sean or Puck was going
to die. I couldn’t believe that other
characters had died in the book and on this same beach and I was just waiting
for someone that I loved to die.
I enjoyed Puck’s little brother Finn, what a great character
with his little nervous quirks and how much he loved his family. He would do anything for Puck and I loved
that. On the other hand, I did not like
her older brother Gabe. I can’t believe
he was willing to leave his younger siblings because he couldn’t take the
island anymore. He didn’t want them to
come, he was just abandoning them on this death island because he’s a selfish
prick. I couldn’t believe what a punk he
Overall it was a great reading experience and I can’t wait
to read more of Maggie’s books, I had forgotten how much I loved her work! Just a few quotes that I loved!
“They’re saying that you and Sean Kendrick were burning up
the cliffs.” Tommy spins me again and grins at me. “And when I say you and Sean Kendrick, I mean
you and Sean Kendrick. And by burning, I
mean burning.”
As Sean slips out of his jacket, he looks over his shoulder
at me and she smiles at me, just a glancing faint thing before he turns back to
Tommy. I’m quite happy for the smile,
because Dad told me once you should be grateful for the gifts that are the
Keep Reading My Friends!