Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dream Catcher by Day and Night

Fade by Lisa McMann

The night that I started this book, bear in mind that I have already finished the first book of this series by this time, I had the most vivid nightmare. This might not be that surprising because people have dreams all of the time. The difference is that I do not remember my dreams probably 99% of the time. I’m one of those people that are genuinely surprised when I actually do remember a dream. And I’ll say something like, I had a dream last night, even though studies state that everyone dreams every night, of course I say it because it’s rare for me to remember my dreams. Back to the point I was making, I had the most vivid dream that night and of course it has to be because I was thinking about these fictional character’s dreams. The dream that I had was too horrible to talk about.

Janie Hannagan and Cabel Strumheller have a very different relationship than most teenagers, Janie is a dream catcher hired secretly by the Fieldridge police department to search dreams to catch criminal acts in their own subconscious. Cabe is an undercover employee of the same police department to find drug dealers and other law breakers. Cabe and Janie are in love and enjoying that new found love even with the bumps along the road. One added bonus is that they have to hide their relationship because of their jobs. As their love grows, Janie finds out more and more about what being a dream catcher is all about and will have to make hard decisions about not only her future, but her future with Cabe as well.

I am enjoying the premise behind this trilogy. The books are a fast pace read, while the story stays true to the plot and does not deter from the original story line. I find with some YA novels the plot is all over the place or there are separate novels within one book. This trilogy is one story, from one character’s perspective and I have enjoyed the linear feel of this book.

I have also enjoyed the simplistic-ness of the characters and their teenage relationships. Sometimes and author makes the 17 year old relationship too adult too quickly. Where these characters had to grow up too fast, both of them living on their own or having to take care of themselves100% of the time the romantic relationship seemed to stay on a young first love status throughout the first two books.

I’m sure there are plenty of reasons not to like this book, but I decided that I like it enough to ignore those and continue the series. Only one complaint would be the amount of cussing. Thanks for reading! Have you read this series or have you thought about it? Keep Reading my friends!

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