Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fallen Hot Angels? Sign me up!

Hush, Hush by: Becca Fitzpatrick

Everything in Nora Grey’s life is pretty normal, just a plain day of school turns her world upside down as her Biology teacher switches her lab partner from her best friend Vee Sky, to the dark silent dangerous new guy, Patch. Not only does she have to work with Patch in Biology, but she has to write a paper about him, and really get to know him. As time passes and Patch shows up everywhere that Nora is, she starts to feel like she’s being followed. Not only is she getting paranoid about being followed, she starts to feel drawn to Patch, in an un-earthly way.

While reading Hush, Hush; I was instantly drawn to the character Patch and was hooked to know more about what was going on with him. I mainly wanted to know the mysteries behind him. But as I read on, I realized that this was just another book. Nothing special. Nothing to write home about. I was right, I usually am. Like I said, while I was reading this particular book, I was engrossed, and I wanted to keep reading it. Once I was done, I couldn’t remember Nora’s name without looking it up, I couldn’t remember exactly what happened throughout the story, because it was unmemorable.

What I liked: Patch. I really liked his character, the good guy brewing underneath the hard bad boy exterior. I loved the way Fitzpatrick described the lust that was growing between Nora and Patch. There were some steamy scenes that really drew the reader in.

What I did not like: I did not like the ending. It was no surprises, just a typical ending, I guessed what was going on quite quickly. Every new character that was introduced, you could see that they were not who they said they were. Another part I didn’t like was Nora would always seem to be doing something really stupid. You know when you are watching a horror movie and you are screaming at the characters to not go into the upstairs room where the mysterious noise has just come from, but they do anyway? That was what I kept thinking during Hush, Hush, “You are going to get yourself killed out of straight idiocy.” I also didn’t like that Nora was supposed to be Ivy League material and she was described as a pretty normal straight A student. To me, the character descriptions were lacking. Another thing that bothered me was the straight blasphemy that took place within the pages. For example, how can you have a book about angels and not say a word about God. I’m pretty sure that the Angels would have had something to say about their creator, good or bad. Also the concept that an Angel could have his wings stripped by other angels and then he can get them back just by saving one humans life seems a little ridiculous, even to me and I like to read the farfetched stuff!

Over all I do think it was an okay book, I would recommend that if you like to read and want something quick and easy, it’s a good one to pick up. But just know that I would rank it around 2.5 out of 5. What did you think? Lots of people said it was one of their favorites? Did you like the book if you read it? Do you want to prove me wrong? I gave it to a friend to read, we’ll see if she read it and what she thought. Leave a comment!

1 comment:

Melody said...

The whole thing was forgettable. I didn't buy Patch's attitude and agree with you about the plot. I'm still waiting on someone to do the fallen angel theme justice.