Sunday, October 17, 2010

Faith a Large Subject for a Small Book

Have a Little Faith: A True Story by Mitch Albom

This true story starts with Mitch Albom telling the audience the story of his lifelong Rabbi asking him to write is eulogy. At the time he was confused by the request and assumed that the Rabbi must be sick or about to die. Eight years later, Reb Albert Lewis and Mitch Albom grew very close and the book is about their journey. Interspersed within the story is also the story of Henry. Both life stories are heartwarming and stories that will stick with the audience for a while.

This is not my normal book choice. I have read another book by the same author years ago called, The Five People you meet in Heaven. My opinions of that particular book will probably never make the blog, for many reasons. Let’s just talk about two. First it was a very long time ago and I can’t remember any details about the book, the Five People book was suggested to me by a friend. The second reason is I didn’t like it enough to go find the book and reread it and spend time blogging about it. I feel the same about Have a Little Faith.

First of all it was a sweet story, I was glad Albom got to know his Reb before he died, oh, sorry spoiler alert. The book is about the Reb’s eulogy. It’s like I just walked into Star Wars Episode 1 and said, oh that cute little kid is going to be Darth Vader. Anyway, so, I am glad about Albom getting to know him since he was scared of him his entire adolescence. I admit that there were a few times that I cried, and laughed, and I did finish the book, so it wasn’t completely hogwash.

Beyond that, the lessons he learned because of knowing the Reb were ideas that I guess I would have thought a person would learn through life instead of from one man. He learned that religions are different. Being Jewish or being Christian, in the world they can mean the same thing. They can both do good works and the actions come from the heart. Just because you have a horrible past doesn’t make you a horrible person, God can change a person’s life.

To me it comes down to one basic truth, the most important truth. What do you do with Jesus? That is all. I will not go further into my beliefs, I will not condemn anyone because that is not my job. If you like true stories then this could be the book for you. If you are more of a sci-fi, fantasy, thrill seeking reader, then I’m sorry for this blog and stay tuned, more vampires, werewolves, or wizards to come.

Thanks for reading!

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