Monday, October 4, 2010

Not remembering could be a beautiful thing... or maybe not.

Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella

What would you do, if you wake up in the hospital and you can’t remember the last 3 years of your life? You not only have new people in your life (new friends, new husband), but you look totally different with a new body and new teeth. She walks into a job that she’s the boss from Hades and it looks like someone is after her job. As she’s trying to learn the new her, her new husband, and everything that goes with that, her husband’s architect won’t leave her alone. He keeps saying that she is his lover when all she wants to do is get to know her husband and get on with her life. As she tries to find herself in the plain clothes in her huge closet and the neat and orderly area of her office, she feels even more lost. Will she remember who she is before her life unravels around her?

This book is a beach read. That’s what I like to call a book that you can sit on the beach with plenty of distractions around and still know exactly what’s going on in the book. It’s an easy read with not a lot of action. Actually I got pretty bored with it and wanted it to be over before I finished. I have read a few of her books in the past and they are a fine read, but don’t pick up this book if you are looking for something that will stimulate your brain. If you need something that will distract you from the crazy world you are living in, then go on and pick up this book or one of her other books. But if you think it’s a big waste of time, I’m not going to argue with you.

Sorry this blog stinks.

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