Sunday, October 31, 2010

That raptor just ate him!

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

Can you imagine reading this book before watching the movie? I have seen the movie multiple times, probably more than 20, and I was still on the edge of my seat at the end. I loved that they changed the details from the book to the screenplay. It made reading the book even more enjoyable. While reading this book I kept reaching for Simon and asking him why they didn’t put certain scenes in the movie. They were incredibly suspenseful and exciting. There were also characters that lived in the movie that died in the book. I thought that was very interesting.

Based from a screenplay that Michael Crichton read, this book is about genetically recreated dinosaurs. The question that this book rises is not whether humans can do things, but should they? Ian Malcolm a mathematician that was brought onto the project of Jurassic Park to give his theory about the outcome of this experiment. He states that when things seem to get better, that is when the bottom is going to fall out. The mathematical chaos theory is what this whole book is about, that and humans trying to escape an island before they become a carnivore’s meal. When scientists think that they can do anything and don’t look into the end result of those decisions, then there will always be consequences for actions either of the scientists themselves, or the people they bring into the picture.

The book was well written and enjoyable. The characters were easy to love or hate. It was a great book that I highly recommend.

Thanks for reading!

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