Monday, September 17, 2012

Something Blue

Something Blue by Emily Giffin

Spoiler Alert for Something Borrowed!  If you have not read Something Borrowed first and plan to, do not continue this blog.  If you have read it and do not plan on reading either books, continue on!  Enjoy! 
Darcy Rhone, best friend of Rachel White and ex-fiancé of Dexter Thaler has been wronged.  She knows that she can never be second place, but somehow Dex is caught in the closet of Rachel on the day that their wedding is cancelled and Darcy had no idea.  Darcy has never come in second place especially not to Rachel.  Now she’s pregnant, alone for the first time in her life and has nowhere to turn because Rachel and Dex are dead to her.  So she does what any pregnant single woman would do, she escapes to London to stay with her childhood friend Ethan.  As her due date draws closer and she learns more about herself than she ever wanted to, changes take place that would surprise anyone who knows Darcy, especially Darcy herself. 
I enjoyed this book so much.  I loved Giffin’s writing, and her character development.  We met and got to know Rachel in Something Borrowed, of course Darcy is the bad guy in the first book so I was concerned starting Something Blue that I was going to hate Darcy throughout the book knowing all that I knew about her from book one.  I knew as Giffin was building her reputation and character that I was not going to enjoy her point of view.  I knew that there was going to have to be a redemption moment of some type and I waited patiently.  As the story continued there is a salvation moment and every once in a while the old Darcy would spring up, but the new Darcy would beat her back into submission. 

I loved the symbolism that Giffin used both in Borrowed and Blue.  With Something Borrowed, Rachel was going to be the loaner of a lace handkerchief in Darcy and Dex’s wedding.  Not only was the handkerchief borrowed, but also Rachel borrows the groom.  She literally goes throughout the entire book planning on giving Dex back to Darcy like she had just borrowed him for a short time.  Of course we do not lose any sentiment in Something Blue.  Darcy uses a piece of her blue baby blanket at the end of the book that has a lot of symbolism.  I love that it all ties together, maybe not everything is happy, so I wouldn’t call it a happy ending, but I would say that the books tied up nice and neat in the end.
In Something Blue, we knew that Darcy was pregnant, at the beginning of the book she just knows that the baby is a girl.  Well the audience should be bright enough to know that the baby is a boy with the title being “Something BLUE.”  No surprises on gender.  I will leave a few surprises for anyone who did not heed my warning of spoilers and you’ll just have to read the book to find out what happens. 

So, what do you think?  Have you read other Emily Giffin books?  What did you think of Borrowed and Blue?  Keep Reading my friends!

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