Sunday, April 7, 2013

Change is a Good Thing!

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion
“R” is a zombie.  He has a zombie wife, 2 zombie kids, and he eats brains.  As he goes on a hunting trip with his best friend “M” something changes.  He meets Perry and Julie.  He meets Perry by eating his brain, and meets Julie through Perry’s memories.  R takes Julie back to his home at the airport, determined to keep her safe.  As Julie gets to know R, things start to change, not only with R, but the zombies around him.  Will change happen before the humans kill R and his transforming zombie friends?  You have to read to find out what happens in this shocking novel.

I enjoyed this book very much.  It was highly entertaining and there is action, romance, suspense, and of course a bunch of undead eating people.  I loved the anatomy pictures that start each chapter.  It was fun way to break up the action. 
I loved the love triangle between Perry, Julie and R.  It was interesting to get to know Perry’s story through R and to watch Julie with R and have to deal with Perry’s death along with R knowing everything that Perry knew about Julie.  It was an interesting way to have another character without having one. 

I don’t want to give any spoilers, but for anyone who has read the book, I guess I’m confused about the ending and why the change took place.  I have a few thoughts, but again I don’t want to give spoilers.  Leave a comment if you have any insight on the yellow eyes, the kiss, and Julie’s dad.  I was a little confused about all of those and why they happened or what was the significance of those items in the book.
So, any thoughts on Warm Bodies?  Are there going to be more books in this series?  I hope you enjoyed!  Keep Reading my Friends!

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