Sunday, April 7, 2013

You will know how it feels.

You by Charles Benoit
Haunting.  This is the word that is sticking with me after finishing this book.  Kyle Chase is a fifteen year old boy that is trying to be himself but he can’t actually find out what that means.  His parents and teachers talk at him, his friends are losers that he doesn’t even like.  His grades are beyond help but there is always Ashley.  He doesn’t know what brought him to where he is and he realizes that every decision big and small change your life. 

You is written in second person and it is a fantastic example of how to use second person correctly.  To me, second person is the hardest point of view to explain and to use.  English teachers, read this book so you know where to send your teenage students!

I tried to explain the book to a co-worker and had a difficult time telling her exactly why I was enjoying it so much.  First, I think it’s interesting to be in the perspective of Kyle, a hard to get to know character.  I felt that he was a good kid at heart, but was constantly looked down upon from his folks and teachers.  It’s like everyone expected him to be a screw up, poor kid.  Second has to be the second person point of view, loved it! Third, would be Zack.  I can’t give any spoilers, but it’s just a character you would love to hate.  Very interesting.
This book took me just a few hours to read, it’s fast paced and a good read.  I recommend it to anyone that has a free weekend to read a book.  Keep Reading my Friends!

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