Sunday, April 28, 2013

Love Triangle? Epic Battle? Mommy Issues? Don't look for Answers HERE!

Requiem by Lauren Oliver
The finale to the Delirium series could not have disappointed me more.  I looked up the name of the book Requiem because I was not familiar with the word.  It means a mass for the dead or a song for the dead.  I just knew either Alex or Julian was going to die and then Lena was going to have her decision made for her.  Well stop reading if you don’t want spoilers.  This blog is for the pissed off fans of the Delirium series!  Again, spoilers ahead!

What the heck was that ending?  “Take down the walls.” I expected 3 more chapters, that was no ending.  Ok, so we know that Alex, Julian, her mom and Grace were alive, who cares?  I want to see someone (besides Raven) die in this epic battle.  Actually there was no epic battle.  Common sense tells us that since it is the entire nation that has the cure that the capital will send in reinforcements and level Portland to the ground, taking out all cureds and invalids.  It’s ridiculous to say that the Invalids won.  They didn’t win, this was really their first battle and for it to end with no questions answered, it’s stupid. 
I have enjoyed Oliver’s writing throughout the entire series, even this book while throwing a curve ball of Lena’s questioning of the entire reason she is free.  Thinking that the cured have it so much better than the free people was a weird thought process going on with Lena, when we know that she does not believe that.  Besides those side bars, the writing is good.  The character development is good, and I enjoy the love triangle.  However, authors I believe have to make hard decisions.  They have to kill great characters, they have to choose a man in the love triangle and there was no real clear distinction on who Lena was going to end up with and who was going to get their heart broken.  She loves both Alex and Julian, dangit, Oliver, who did she end up with?!?! 

So, where does Lena go from there?  Like I said, she wasn’t happy with life in the wilds, so does she stay in the city?  Does the rest of the country come in and regain order?  So many questions, no answers at all.  Don’t start something you can’t finish. UGH! 
I loved Delirium and Pandemonium, now that was an ending!!! Alex walking in and saying “Don’t believe anything she says.” Or something like that, it was the best ending to a second book in a trilogy ever, but this Wall crap is for the birds.  The ending was rushed and too many questions! 

If you can’t tell, I’m quite upset about this book.  I am demanding a redo, a mulligan!  If you haven’t read this book, don’t waste your time.  Keep Reading My Friends!

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