Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Love Story That May Last Forever

The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
We begin Clockwork Princess with Tessa and Jem engaged.  Mortmain is still at large and the threat of his automatons is very heavy on the Shadowhunters.  The leader of the Institute is being threatened by internal forces.  And so much is going on that it’s hard to outline this in one blog. 

As I finish book three of this beloved series, my heart is heavy and filled with sadness.  There is a relief when a series is completed, but also it is like parting from good friends.  I feel as I know these characters, I learned with Tessa Gray about the Shadowhunter world.  I felt what Will felt as he learns about his curse and I feel life slipping away from Jem as he tries to hold on for those that he loves.  This was a love triangle that I honestly hoped she would pick them both.  In a world where that is not possible my hope was Will.  I loved the redemption in his story, how he was hard to love, but would surprise us with kindness throughout the entire series. 
I loved and hated the ending.  I loved Tessa looking back over her life, sharing us memories on the Blackfriars Bridge.  There were so many questions answered and happy thoughts revisited.  I loved it.  Anytime I get to spend some time with new and old favorite characters I want to devour any information I can get from them.  The ending was interesting.  I can see why Clare went in that direction, I probably would not have gone in that way, but then again I have no published books and Clare has almost 10 on shadowhunters.

Of course I would be crazy to not mention the repeated errors that I found.  The Lightwood brothers names are Gideon and Gabriel, there were several times when the names were used incorrectly and I was confused when his brother arrived.  Also misspellings and words being used incorrectly.  I do not blame Clare, but I do blame whoever edited her books for her.  I can obviously look past these mistakes because I love the characters so much, but I know several readers that would not be able to do so.
I will miss this series and the characters, they were most enjoyable to read and I wish it wasn’t the end.  Farewell Will, Jem and Tessa, maybe we’ll meet some of you again in the City of Heavenly Fire.  Keep Reading my Friends!

1 comment:

Heather Stock said...

I haven't read this series yet. BUT reading your blog sure makes me want to pick up a copy.

A suggestion for you...
I am sure when others read this as well, they may have the urge to get a copy of the book. Why not have a link on your blog where they can get it through you? It's free and pretty easy to set up an account with Amazon to be able to do so. Just an idea...

I love the layout and graphics of your blog - very appealing to the eyes.

:) - Heather Stock