Saturday, July 6, 2013

So you keep your ocean, I'll take the lake

Slammed by Colleen Hoover

After Layken Cohen’s father passes away from a sudden heart attack, her family in financial struggles moves from Texas to Michigan.  Since it’s the beginning of her senior year this is anything but a happy moment for her.  Her mother Julia and her little brother Kel, try to piece their life together and in walks Will Cooper.  The hansom across the street neighbor walks into Layken’s life and the magic sparks immediately between Will and Layken.  They have an amazing first date and then their circumstances gets in the way.  Every time them turn around there is another obstacle in the way of them being together.  With so much against them, how can they be together? 
Colleen Hoover has done it again…I know she wrote this book first, but I read Hopeless first, so again… she has done it again.  I can’t believe how much I love these characters.  Every single character was believable and easy to love.  Layken and Will are amazing together and when they are kept apart, I felt like my heart was ripped in two even if they were only across the street from each other.  I loved the magic that took place between them from the very beginning.  As she’s acting crazy like a zombie, playing with Kel her little brother, I just loved that meeting Will and Caulder and I couldn’t wait until they saw each other again. 

“That’s not a good idea.” Every time he said this to Lake, it made my heart happy.  It’s one of those book sayings that will live in the on in the lives of the fans forever.  It’s the “Okay?” “Okay.” Of The Fault in Our Stars or the many phrases that have been tattooed on body parts from Twilight.    
I loved Layken, but she disappointed me with her immaturity at times, it was more like I expected more of her and didn’t expect her to be retreat from life at difficult situations.  I think I felt like this because she thought more of herself than this and that’s why I came to this conclusion. 

But of course, Will is the reason to read this book.  He is amazing.  He changes the story, heck, what am I saying, he is the story. I love him through Layken’s eyes and then something happens (no spoilers, I wouldn’t do that) and his true character comes out and what we don’t know about him makes us love him even more!
Colleen Hoover  is amazing.  I laughed, I cried, and I fell in love with the characters with the turn of each page! Hoover has a way with plots and story lines like no other writer I have ever read.  I was constantly surprised and consistently in awe of her words-smith-ability.

Buy this book people, quickly!  Keep Reading my Friends!

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