Sunday, July 14, 2013

This Girl

This Girl by Colleen Hoover (Slammed #3)
The question that I started this book was, “Can I love Layken and Will anymore?” After I finished? Yes, yes I can.  This is a great change of pace and this book is from Will’s point of view and he is telling Layken (and the audience) what he was feeling and his thoughts on what was taking place during the first few months of the relationship that was building between them. 

I loved the way that Hoover set this book up.  We get to see the Cooper’s on their honeymoon and experience that with them, but also it is set where Layken is asking questions and Will is telling her what was going on that she didn’t know about.  There were happy times and there were sad times, but it was great experiencing Will’s side to know what was happening. 
In my blog on the second book of this series I posed a question.  Is this an epic love story?  I still have to say no, but it is a love story that will stay with me for years to come.  Hoover has sewn a thread of love and the thoughts of fate and allowed me to escape this week with these three books unlike any other series I have ever read.  Who changes POV characters in the middle of a series?  Colleen Hoover, that’s who!  It was a brilliant story, it made me laugh and cry, sit on the edge of my seat and make me never want to put my iPad down ever again. 

Since I read Hopeless first, it’s hard for me not to compare Holder and Will.  I won’t do it, but Will’s side of the story has made me want to rob a book store to get Losing Hope before it comes out in a few days.  I’ve already purchased it, let me read it early!!!
I don’t have a lot to say, just read this book/series as soon as possible!  And Colleen Hoover, keep writing books!  You have a God given gift and I cannot wait to see what else you have for us, your fans!  Keep Reading my Friends!

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