Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The Host by Stephanie Meyer

The earth has been invaded by aliens, and we don’t even know it. Wow, sucks to be the human race! The story is based on the alien “soul” named Wanderer. She is an old soul that has been to 9 different planets that have been invaded so far by the aliens. Wanderer has been selected to be implanted in one of the last humans on earth, Melanie Stryder. Wanderer’s first job is to find memories inside her host to ultimately to find the humans that Melanie has been hiding with. Quickly Wanderer realizes that Melanie is strong and not going away as the Host’s conciseness is supposed to. Melanie replays memories to Wanderer, which leads to Wanderer falling in love with Jared Howe, Melanie’s human partner. Wanderer finally feels that she is unable to dominate Melanie and wants to be transferred to a different Host, which will lead to Melanie’s death. After this, the story is just beginning and the characters go through many obstacles that continue throughout the story. This book is full of love, hate, romance, friendship, betrayal, action, and our basic instinct-survival.

The Host was an intriguing read. I have never read any Science-Fiction books before and therefore I was kind of hesitant. I mean come on, have you read my introduction to the book? Aliens? Souls? Last human on earth? You have to be kidding me, who wants to read that kind of thing? Well, from now on… ME! The story took some time to get into, but once I got to about the third chapter I was hooked. Then, once Wanderer reached the cave and met Ian (sigh) there was no turning back. The love triangle between 4 people was intense. Yes you read that correctly (triangle/4 people). I was cheering for the plot to go one way, then Meyer would introduce something new and I was changing my mind and wanting other things to happen.

The main reason I read The Host was because I was such a huge Twilight fan. The one thing that bothered me about Twilight was Meyer’s writing style. I thought it was amateur writing to say the least, with a good story line (mmm, vampires). After reading The Host I realized that Meyer’s is a literary genius. Haha, ok, I’m not going to go that far, because I don’t think she would agree with me. But, I realized that what I didn’t like about Twilight was actually on purpose, to reach her intended audience (youth/young adults). I figured this out because the same holes and “mistakes” in the plot and writing in Twilight should have been evident in The Host, but the mistakes weren’t there. This book was intended for an adult audience and written in that manner, just like Twilight was intended and written for young adults. I know that’s a little crazy, what I just wrote, but read all 5 of her books and you will understand what I’m talking about.

The best part of The Host in my opinion (which is all that matters on my blog… unless you want to leave me a comment, then I guess your opinion matters too) are the characters. The development of the characters makes you understand what they are going through, and I really cared about what happened to each character. Meyers has you pulling for every side. I laughed, I cried, I enjoyed this book. I would invite you all to read it…EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE SCI-FI! This is truly the Sci-Fi book for non-Sci-Fi readers. Read it and let me know what you think, or did this post make you want to check it out? Let me know!

1 comment:

Melody said...

I loved it of course. Everything Meyers writes is magic and I can't wait for something new from her! She has such a way of drawing you in, I felt like crying when Wanda was treated so badly when she first arrived and them when she was attacked in the caves and in so much pain after her friend dies. I felt as confused at the end as the characters themselves but in a good way. I can't wait to see it on the big screen!