Friday, March 28, 2014

Day or Anden? What's June to do? Maybe she'll just settle for saving the Rebulic one observation at a time!

Prodigy by Marie Lu (Legend #2)
I’m sitting here in the exact same position for a least 10 minutes dwelling on what I just read, I know that if I don’t write my blog immediately after reading this book, I won’t remember where it ended and Champion started, because I’m going to start it as soon as I have my first rough draft typed up for this blog, believe me, it is that good.

The reason I’m sitting here is because I’m at a total and utter loss at what June should do.  There are so many questions and when the point of view character doesn’t know what to do, then myself as the reader is just as lost as she is.  Can you believe that last chapter?  (trying to talk without spoilers, may be confusing for anyone who hasn’t yet read the book?) Can you believe Day’s news?  Then June’s last chapter?  Talk about rip my heart out!  I’m not looking forward to the next book while waiting in anticipation (again it won’t be a long since I’m just waiting to finish typing this up).
So Prodigy has some great scenes in it.  I loved that we got to know Anden, the Primo Elector, a little better, which makes June’s life choices harder for me to get behind because I really do believe that Anden is a good guy.  I think Day is right that June and Anden make more sense, they come from the same world, but there is something so wonderful about Day and his loving attitude and his giving spirit and his bravery.  I just can’t pick between the two.  Could June and Day be happy without each other?  Probably, they haven’t known each other long, but they have this sort of epic love story going on that it’s hard not to route for them to make it. 

I loved the action in this book, the jet ride was intense, the whole assassination plan and how exciting it was for Day and June to communicate and know what the other was thinking without really knowing what’s going on.  I loved getting a peek at the Colonies and how life works on the other side and for both Day to realize that the grass isn’t always greener. 
I can’t wait to keep reading.  I hope you pick up this series soon, it is well worth it.  Keep Reading my Friends!

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