Saturday, July 5, 2014

Reid the Ridiculous meets Dori the Do-Gooder

Good for You (Between the Lines #3) by Tammara Webber
Reid Alexander, the “it” guy of Hollywood, he gets the girls, he gets the whatever movie he wants and he knows just how much the world loves him.  Dori Cantrell is the religious “good girl” that spends all of her time volunteering with either her dad’s church, habitat for humanity, or many other places where people need help.  When Reid crashes his car into the Diego’s rent house, where they live while their Habitat House is being built, he is court ordered to volunteer every day for a month to get that house built.  When he meets Dori, he seems to look right through her, which doesn’t really bother Dori since she doesn’t have time for a Hollywood fake to disrupt her busy life.  As the month goes by, the audience realizes that maybe all first impressions are wrong and need some changing.  This dual point of view books takes us to places with Reid that we haven’t been before and we start to see a change in him that none of us would have expected.

I have adored this series thus far, but book #3, you absolutely are the winner so far.  I liked Emma, but I love Dori.  Dori is a real life character with real life problems and she is a good girl religious girl living in LA, I’m not sure how easy that is, but Dori does it with unwavering ease with all of her activities, it’s enough to make me tired just thinking about her schedule. 
Reid on the other hand was pretty much a douche throughout the entire series and I’m glad he got the wakeup call that he desperately needed, what’s funny is that wakeup call wasn’t the car accident, but it was actually his friendship with Dori that seemed to get though to him.  I enjoyed Reid in this book and hoped for his change and maturity.

I loved their time apart where neither one of them knew that the other was pining over him/her.  It was priceless.  I also loved Dori’s relationship with her sister Deb.  It was a great sister relationship that gave depth to Dori as a character. 
I have already began book #4 (Here Without You- what an ominous title for what has been a pretty upbeat series).  I love Tammara Webber’s writing and her books are good.  This series is definitely worth grabbing up, keep reading my friends!

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