Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tattoos for Everyone!

Rule (A Marked Men Novel #1) by Jay Crownover

What goes through your mind when you see a man (or woman?) with a sleeve of tattoos?  What’s the first idea that comes across your mind?  Maybe that question is irrelevant.  I know that when I was young it seemed like the only people who had more than one tattoo were bikers and big scary men (huge stereotype, right?).  In the bible belt area that I grew up in everyone discussed whether it was against the Bible to mark your skin permanently.  I still think that some people in the older generations look on tattoos with disgust and judgment, but I know for myself I see it as a choice.  Each person has one life to live.  If ink is a way for you to show your personality and outwardly give people a glimpse at whom you are.  Go for it.  Most of my husband’s family members have more than one tattoo where most of my family does not have any.  I don’t really hear the debates anymore.  My husband has many friends that go to Seminary or are pastors that have pieces that usually are in the original biblical language that say things like “grace” or “faith.”  In the world of ink, I say decide for yourself and enjoy the decisions that you make.

Rule is a New Adult love story between a tattoo artist and Shaw, the girl that has loved him since she was fourteen.  I loved the dual point of view of this book and the way Jay never gave too much away.  We would jump days and we may never find out how Rule was feeling when we were listening in on Shaw’s POV, or vice versa. 
My favorite idea about the story is literally Rule’s eyes were opened up one day and even though he tried to close them he couldn’t stay away from Shaw once the blindfold was removed from his eyes.  She had always been there, always admired his personality, character traits, and loved him for who he was and one day he noticed and that’s when our story takes off. 

Who is Shaw?  Well if you haven’t read this book I don’t want to ruin it.  Jay introduces us to her slowly, and doesn’t give us all of the details of the longtime relationship all at once.  At one point I looked back a few pages believing that I had missed something.  Then I realized, ohhhh, that’s genius!  I love it when authors use words to confuse me just a little before revealing the answers that I was asking the questions about.
I met Jay at the Nashville event, she was the second author and I was so nervous that I was shaking.  I had not read any of her work yet and so I was unsure of what to talk to her about.  So far I had only met Cora Carmack and since I had read all of her books excluding her brand new book (which I bought at her table) I was worried that Jay was going to blow us off since we weren’t spending money on her books.  That could not have been farther from what actually happened.  We ended up talking about Colorado and the premise around her books.  She was super cool and comfortable to be around.  I just can’t wait to see her again so I can tell her in person how much I enjoyed Rule.  I have the next 4 books on hold at the Library!  I can’t wait to get to reading!

Keep Reading my Friends!

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